As many of you have seen, the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas were completely obliterated. Hurricane Dorian destroyed these beautiful islands as a category 5, sitting on top of them for 30 hours with winds of 185 mph. The Bahamians are fighting for their lives right now, it’s time to help our neighbors. It will take years before these islands come back. Join us in gathering supplies and donating to help relief efforts for the beautiful Bahamas.
All of those supplies you didn’t use for Hurricane Dorian are very much needed for the people in the Bahamas. Instead of returning bought and unused supplies, we ask that you donate them to Bahamas relief efforts.
How you can help
Below is a list of supplies that are needed. There are many Go Fund Me accounts circling around the internet. Here are some trustworthy accounts and websites that you can donate towards. You can also help by visiting the other Bahamian islands that were not affected by Hurricane Dorian.
Drop-off locations
Jacksonville Beach, FL Drop-off location
115 First Ave. N., Jacksonville Beach, FL, 32250
Deland, Florida drop-off Location
1600 Flightline Blvd, Deland, FL, 32724
Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach drop-off locations
Miami drop-off location
Island Gardens Marina - 888 MacArthur Causeway, Miami, FL 33132
Fl, GA, NY, d.c.
Multiple drop-off locations. Click on the button below.
Medical supplies, first aid kits, medicine
Pain medicine (Advil, Motrin, etc.)
Hydrogen peroxide
Jackhammers and tools to cut concrete
Portable fans
Heavy duty garbage bags
Insect repellent
Cleaning supplies
Candles, lanterns, flashlights
Paracord ropes
Water bottles
Sports drinks
Canned meats and tuna
Non-perishable foods
Baby food and formula
Lighter fluid
Wipes (baby and adult)
Dog and cat food
Mini propane tanks
If you would like to share any other drop-off locations for donations or trustworthy Go Fund Me accounts, please share in the comments below. The Bahamas still need our help. #Bahamasstrong