Hello There... It's Been Awhile.
Hello There.
It has been a hot minute (or more like year) since I have updated my website and written to you. So much has happened since I last wrote and I am here to update you on the salty business.
Freediving Blue Heron Bridge
Riviera Beach, FL - July 2020
Once Covid hit in spring of 2020, things completely shut down in Puerto Rico. During March and April, restaurants shut down. We were “not allowed” to leave our houses unless we needed to go to the hospital, pharmacy, grocery store, or car shop. Covid started to progress and cases increased on the island. Certain rules were put in place. The last number on your license plate determined if you were allowed to drive on certain days of the week. The police patrolled the streets and created stop points on the roads to ask drivers where they were traveling to and make sure drivers were only traveling on the days their license plate allowed.
As you can imagine, Puerto Rico is based off tourism and Rincon was hit extremely hard. The dive shop I worked for, Taino Divers, and Rincon Parasail, shut down. No one was allowed to go to the beach or fishing. Restaurants and local businesses shut down.
My main source of income was no longer providing for me. So I moved back to my hometown, Atlantic Beach, FL.
I accepted a full time job as a logistics sales rep, working 8-5; something I never thought I would do. I have said to myself so many times in the past that I would never work in an office staring at a computer all day. However, life throws challenges at you and I decided to give it a shot. How do you know if you don’t like something until you give it a try?
DON’T WORRY. I still have my gills, LOL.
My weekends are spent hanging out with family, friends, Koda (my husky), and DIVING! I went through a period where I was so busy that all I wanted to do on the weekends was relax. I was a little burnt out from working long hours. But I finally learned to manage my time better and found the motivation to get myself back into my passion. I have been diving every weekend for about two months now. I am so stoked to start editing photos, writing new blog posts, and sharing content with you all.
Feel free to reach out to start a conversation. Would love to hear from you all!
Diving Offshore Jacksonville, Fl
July 2021 with Due East Charters